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Recognition of Prior Learning

Apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) based on equivalent studies you’ve completed at another institution.

What is RPL?

The RPL process recognises the skills and knowledge you have gained through previous education, training programs, on-the-job training, professional development activities, work (paid and unpaid) and life experiences. Formal qualifications from a TAFE, university, school, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or an Australian recognized Overseas qualification containing content that is included in the qualification will be recognised. The RPL process identifies whether you are already competent in some (or all) of the competencies covered in your course.

Why would I apply for RPL?

Applying for RPL will help to reduce your course load and the overall course time, to reduce costs associated with completing the course and to avoid repeating learning in areas where you already have skill.

How to apply for RPL

Below steps explains how to seek Credit in an ECC course based on prior learning. Before you start the RPL process, refer to the: Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy and Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Procedures.

  1. Complete the RPL Application Form.
  2. Prepare evidence and organise it logically in your submission.
  3. Submit your application and evidence via Studylink.
  4. You will get notified about the outcome.

When do I apply for RPL?

Applications for Credit should normally be lodged by:

  • Domestic Students, before the commencement of the relevant Study Period;
  • International Students, when you apply for entry to the College.

If an applicant submits an application for RPL once they have commenced the Study Period, the application must be lodged by Friday of Week 1 of the Study Period in order for it to qualify for an Exemption in that Study Period. If the RPL application is submitted after Week 1 of the Study Period, Unit Credit may still be granted at the discretion of the Academic Director; however, it does not qualify for a refund of Unit fees under the Refund Policy.

What are my responsibilities when applying for RPL?

During the RPL process, you must:

  • ensure all information is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and,
  • provide information using a statutory declaration from previous employers to show evidence of work experience.

What if I am dissatisfied with the RPL Application outcome?

If you feel that the process used to assess your application for recognition was unfair, under the Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy and Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Procedures, you can ask for an Informal Review of this decision within fourteen (14) Calendar Days of receiving the result of your RPL application by emailing Student and Academic Services: In your request, provide reasons why you think this decision should be reviewed, and provide any additional information and evidence to support your request.

How is my privacy maintained during an RPL assessment?

We undertake to keep all records in a secure and safe environment in accordance with regulatory and legislative requirements; however, your application may be assessed by a staff member who is external to ECC and may be examined by regulatory authorities and Edith Cowan University as part of an audit, accountability, and registration.

What are acceptable forms of evidence of Formal Learning?

  • Certified copies / Coloured scans of academic transcript and/or qualifications with approved English language translations (if applicable).
  • Certified copiesColoured Scans of unit outlines describing detailed contents of learning outcomes, assessments, and other course materials.
  • Proof of minimum level of English competency for entry requirements as detailed in ECC course materials.
  • Proof of currency: previous study and/or experience must have been completed within a period of time that is no longer than three times the length of the course for which you are seeking credit. A shorter time frame may apply for disciplines where the state of knowledge changes more rapidly.

What are some examples of evidence of Informal Learning?

Resume and work history

    • qualifications
    • work history
    • key responsibilities
    • competence and achievements
    • membership of relevant professional associations
    • hobbies/interests/special skills outside work
    • references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

Copies of qualifications

    • certificates, diplomas or degrees o results of workplace assessment o courses completed at work
    • any licenses and tickets held e.g. forklift, crane, other site training records and record of site competencies held
    • supporting letters from community and volunteer groups to verify claims

Documents of past achievement

    • industry awards
    • meritorious awards or media articles

Work samples

    • assessment tools and instruments you have developed
    • reports, projects and written materials
    • objects, drawings or photographs of work undertaken
    • diaries/task sheets/job sheets/logbooks

Documents and records of workplace activities

    • diaries, records and journals
    • notes, emails, blogs and completed worksheets
    • workplace agreements and contracts

How should I prepare a portfolio of evidence?

You should gather evidence for the units for which you are seeking RPL. Compile your evidence in a portfolio that will be checked by a qualified assessor. In addition to looking at your evidence, the assessor may check your current knowledge by oral questioning, written questioning, skills’ testing or asking for supplementary evidence such as references or statements of performance from employers or others to verify your claims.

The best evidence is relevant, relates directly to the unit and must be at the required standard. Current evidence demonstrates that your skills are up-to-date, authentic and that your claims are genuine.

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