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Student Leadership

Join our Student Leadership Program to explore your passions and make some friends.

What is a Student Leader?

The Student Leadership Program is dedicated towards students who desire to act as a leader among their peers. They develop, direct and conduct events for students for the purposes of improving relations between one another and the campus. They are essentially the representatives of the students on campus as well as event planners.

What are the roles and responsibilities?

Student leaders are expected use their position and skill to create and plan events and participate in workshops to help make these events happen. While they can vary, every event is undertaken with Student Leaders at the forefront. From planning dates, times, events, budgets, promotions, resources, and staffing, these responsibilities are what make up the role of a Student Leader.

What is in it for you?

  • develop leadership skills
  • build professional skills
  • improve overall communications skills
  • enhance teamwork skills
  • learn in a professional environment
  • receive a recommendation letter/certificate

Why should you join?

Challenging yourself to go beyond what you think is possible, by pushing the boundaries and becoming something more you can gain the ability to change the ECC community for the better. As a result, you can engage in a wide array of social and academic activities whilst contributing to the community.

Submit your application for the Student Leadership Program here!

We will review your application within 3 -5 business days.

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